High Temperature Simulated Distillation in Petroleum Characterization February 16th, 2006
“High Temperature Simulated Distillation” by Dan Villalanti et al. in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, “Yield Correlations between Crude Assay Distillation and High Temperature Simulated Distillation” by Villalanti et al., and “Refinery Analytical Techniques Optimize Unit Performance” . All discuss the panacea of developing rapid HTSD as a suitable replacement for the very lengthy crude assay distillation.
Exxon Technology Reviews - February 15th, 2006
Residue Upgrading Technologies are discussed in severla papers including one presented in India, and another at ERTC 2004 in Prague In Moscow at the 1st Bottom of the Barrel Technology Conference a paper was presented on “Delivering Value for Resid and Heavy Feed“.
Trends in NMR Logging - Schlumberger Review Article - February 15th, 2006
Oil exploration companies are using NMR measurements in a number of downhole applications, such as characterizing formation fluids during reservoir evaluation and assessing formation producibility. In their article “Trends in NMR Logging” Schlumberger describe how NMR technology is changing the way reservoirs are designed, developed and managed. A similar paper, “Advances in NMR Logging” is presented by Robert freedman of Schlumberger.Another review was produced in 1995, and “How to Use Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance” was produced in 1997.
NMR Petrophysics offers NMR logging courses and provide NMR log analysis services.
A paper on the effect of sorbed oil on 1H NMR response was published byStanford University researchers.
A book is available on the subject entitled, “NMR Logging – Principles and Applications”
“Oil-Viscosity Predictions From Low-Field NMR Measurements” by J. Bryan and A. Kantzas, U. of Calgary/Tomographic Imaging and Porous Media Laboratory, and C. Bellehumeur, U. of Calgary
Application of TD-NMR in Civil Engineering - February 15th, 2006
Practical Applications of NMR in Civil Engineering by Bernd Wolter, Frédéric Kohl, Nina Surkowa, Gerd DobmannFraunhofer-Institut fuer zerstoerungsfreie Pruefverfahren (IZFP), Saarbruecken, Germany
Book Chapter - Monitoring Thermal Processes by NMR Technology - February 15th, 2006
A neew book on Emerging Technologies for Food Processing has been published by Elsevier, edited by professor Da-Wen Sun ( National University of Ireland, Dublin) and has contribution from KVL Quality & Technology: Monitoring Thermal Processes by NMR Technology by Nanna Viereck, Marianne Dyrby and Søren B. Engelsen. (Oct 2005)
MathNMR - NYU Software for Spin and Spatial Tensor Manipulations - February 15th, 2006
Professor Alexej Jerschow has made available a Mathematica package that allows calculation of spin and spatial tensors – it is available at the following link : MathNMR.
Also available at this site are a very handy palm utility that lists frequencies, gyromagnetic ratios, natural abundances, receptivities, magnetic and quadrupolar moments, and reference compounds of most NMR active nuclei – download PalmNMR. He also provides a nicely designed interactive NMR frequency map.
Italian patent - New Pre-Saturation Methodology - PERFIDI - February 15th, 2006
Stanislav Sykora, in his NMR blog describes a recent patent applied for by himself and Paola Fantazzini, under the auspices of the University of Bologna. The patent surrounds a new pulse sequence that will allow selective excitation of components of a complex mixture based on the T1 relaxation differences between the NMR active nuclei in the components. The pulse sequence pre-amble is called PERFIDI. The Italian patent (#BO2005A000445 of July 01, 2005) is currently confidential but the invcentors have set up a website for potential licensors of the technology. The website includes a brief overview of the patent.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometers for on-line process control and optimization. Process analytical technology (PAT) knowledge and analytical NMR spectroscopy service and consulting for industry.